SPAARK is an SBA Certified 8(a) Native Hawaiian Owned (NHO) Small Business. We have significant contracting advantages compared to other 8(a) and small business firms.
$22M Direct Awards. SPAARK may receive direct awards up to $22M that exceed normal SBA thresholds and do not require a Justification & Approval per 13 CFR 124.506(b)(2)
$100M Direct Awards. Effective March 17th 2020, SPAARK may receive direct awards up to $100M for our Department of Defense (DoD) customers per the following class deviation
Awards to SPAARK cannot be protested. Awards to SPAARK cannot be protested per 13 CFR 124.517(a)
No procurement competition. There is no requirement to complete procurements to SPAARK before a direct award per 13 CFR 125.506(b)(3)
Faster procurement via Alpha contracting. Prior to a solicitation contracting officers can work jointly with SPAARK to reduce procurement time and streamline the contract process
Meet your 8(a) and Small Business Goals. Contracting with SPAARK will satisfy 8(a) and small business contracting goals per 13 CFR 124.110(c)
How-to Direct Award
Federal customers can issue a sole source contract to SPAARK by following these simple steps:
Send an 8(a) Offering Letter via email to the North Eastern Pennsylvania Small Business Administration (SBA) office to
Wait to receive the SBA’s Letter of Approval (approximately 3 days)
Send Request for Proposal (RFP) to SPAARK
SPAARK submits proposal
Award the Sole Source contract to SPAARK
Corporate Information
Full Legal Name: SPAARK, Inc.
DUNS #: 079796647
Cage Code: 7CVE7
SBA 8(a) Case #: C00STB
SBA 8(a) Entrance/Exit Date: 6/10/22- 6/10/31
SBA Point of Contact:
Mr. George Tapia, Business Opportunity Specialist
Eastern Pennsylvania District Office
U.S. Small Business Administration
(610) 382-3086
(202) 431-9524